talibés children: the problem of child beggars in Senegal
When, sometimes tourists are invited in a Senegalese neighborhood, we see hordes of kids who follow them. They are always the improvised stars of the day. The most young people do not dare to approach them because they do not usually see that color of the skin. Often their best guess is traveling on the dusty streets of Mbour with pockets filled of candies and coins.
The situation of talibé child is a logical development of a social reality that it has not been able to adapt to the needs of Senegal in front of the western world. There are hundreds of children who are suffering and need help.
In fact, with Islamization, the Dahra contributed significantly to the formation of the child. In addition to the knowledge of letters and theology, the child lives with the minimum of resource material and was also used to beg for his food. Grows separated from his pride and temptations and uninterested in the material things of life.
Today, with the difficulties caused by the crisis and the decline in agricultural activities, some Koranic teachers, left without assistance, they are to settle in the city and forced their students to beg.

"Save Talibés of Senegal "
by Cheikhy Niasse
A petition addressed to the UN Secretary:
Mr. Secretary General, Child labor and slavery are prohibited by the laws for Human Rights. In Senegal, as in other countries, more than 100,000 children work for the benefit of thousands of people who claim to support their religious education and to guarantee the food, but in fact the sole purpose of enriching themselves through this activity that must be called slavery, because these children are neither paid nor free of their movements. These children are often abused: beaten when they can not bring their daily quota of money or food or when they do not learn fast enough verses from the Koran imposed on them. The fact that their parents have deserted them does not justify in any way the illegal nature of the situation. Child labor, slavery, child abuse, are facts were established, well known. The documentary aired on France 3 "The lost children of Mbour" confirms and demonstrates openly. The government of Senegal has made no concrete steps to reduce or even stop the horrors that grow year after year. The law of 29 April 2005 that the abuse is not deep, it is not even applied yet. So we kindly ask you to inform the governments of the countries concerned and in Senegal in particular, that risk being prosecuted for violating Human Rights, under their authority if they develop slavery and child abuse. Please accept, Mr. Secretary-General for our confidence and our deep respect.
Another petition is directed to the Senegalese authorities and is the site, and is: In Senegal, many Koranic teachers take advantage of child beggars under their authority to enrich themselves. They send them to beg in the streets, sometimes until late at night and force them to pay a sum fixed in advance of return. With ingenuity and the lack of protection, some of them die from various accidents or are victims of pedophilia.